Current Shows and Exhebitions
9 th Taiwan International Gold Teapot Prizes
Pottery Design Competition and Exhibition
October 19th - November 17th, 2024
Award Ceremony : 2 PM, Saturday, October 19th
Taichung City Seaport Art Center(Exhibition Room C)
No.21, Jhongjhen Rd., Cingshuei Dist.,
Taichung City 43648, Taiwan
Tel: 886-4-2627-4568

The 2nd World Ceramic
Teapot Competition, Yixing, China
18 October - November 17, 2024
Jiujuan Zisha Art Museum,
Taoerchang No.10 Building Exhibition Center
No.1228 Zisha Road, Dingshu Town, Yixing City, Jiangsu Province, China

Bronze Prize

My New Ceramic Studio in York, SC
One of the reasons why we ended up in South Carolina is the opportunity to build a studio space where I can make ceramics, paint and give private lessons and workshops.
The project has begun right before the Christmas of 2022, and it took me almost a year to find a contractor who can build my dream space. I still see it as a magical transformation of a 2-car garage into an artist studio.
The space has three separate areas: on the ground floor - "dirty" clay studio and kiln/storage area; on the second floor there are a "clean" painting space with a reading nook, a photo corner, a small bathroom and a large storage area for packing materials.
The studio had been finished and I finally moved in! Now its time to make new work!